Enrichment Activity for Junior School- SMPS, Dec 2022

2022 – 23 Photo Gallery

‘Enrichment basically makes a subject more meaningful or more rewarding,’ says Julie Taplin, Chief Executive of Potential Plus UK. helps provide children with a rounded, culturally rich education through activities that enhance their learning

Subject enrichment activity strives to enrich students’ experiences by integrating all the subjects for holistic understanding. It connects to prior knowledge and cross- curricular connections. These activities require the students to use their imagination and creativity.

Education is more than just mastering subjects – it’s also about activities that extend children’s learning through new experiences and opportunities.

Enrichment in school takes many forms. One important aim is to take the basic curriculum subjects and expand them, looking at them in more depth or from a different perspective.

Enrichment Activities give a spurt to the learning skills of a child. The child steps into an area of their interest, where creativity is unfettered. Enrichment activities throw open plenty of opportunities for the students, as a natural extension to their scholastic pursuits.

Keeping this in mind, we conducted the second assessment for the Pre-primary and Primary students in the form of Subject Enrichment Activities.