The week of November 5 i.e., from 31st October to 6th November Interact Week is celebrated across the globe!
Rotary celebrates it by focusing on 7 main areas for 7 days and the focus area for November 2nd was Water Sanitation and hygiene for which the District Interact Board 3190 collaborated with the Interact Club of Marians to conduct the Menstrual Health Management Program: Clean and Green.
Dr. Meenakshi Bharath, a gynaecologist with 35 years of experience was the guest speaker who empowered the audience with her inspiring words and sent back every girl feeling happy and proud about menstruation. She also promoted the use of cloth pads which are much more efficient and environmental friendly than the disposable pads. All in all, it was a happy session promoting happy periods!
Special thanks to DICC Rtn. Shubhashini Maam, President Rtn. Murgesh Sir and DIR Itr. Namith S