Christmas season is a time for joy, for giving and sharing, for laughter, for coming together with family and friends, for tinsel and brightly decorated packages. It is a good time to cheer, love, care, share, and spread warmth around.
Our Pre-Primary students celebrated the festival of peace and love by decorating their class rooms with bells, star streamers, and a beautiful Christmas tree.
The celebrations kick-started with a Prayer followed by a verse from the Bible. Our Headmistress Vanitha Jacob Deepak addressed the gathering and made students understand the need to forgive and only then receive and we also need to be grateful for all that we receive.
Christmas and carols go hand in hand. So to give a full feel of the festival students sang the carols and tapped their feet on peppy Christmas songs. A beautiful skit depicting the scenes of the Nativity of Jesus Christ was enacted by our toddlers. Everybody was charmed by their performances.
The celebrations came to end with the distribution of cup cakes . The boundless joy of celebrating the festival was amply visible on the faces of the children.