Christmas celebration at our school was organized on 21st December 2022. The school was decorated beautifully. The students were in lovely colourful attires. The ceremony began with a prayer and Bible reading. Various programs were organized one after the other. One of which was a performance where 66 students from class 5 to 7 presented a beautiful musical skit on the theme “A Christmas Gift”, the best being the Carols by the students of 8 and 9. The light of love and hope was spread upon the students by the Christmas message of Ms. Premila, HOD- English. In the end we had greetings by Rev. Father Siby Baby, Parish Priest of St. Mary’s Cathedral followed by our dear Principal, Mrs. Asha Sunil. The celebration came to a close by distributing cakes to the students and by wishing each other “Merry Cristmas”.