The Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony was commemorated on 26th November, 2022 on our school premises. The event was managed under the guidance of the honourable Principal, Mrs Asha Sunil. In order to make this event successful, a lot of preparations were made by the students and teachers. The program started at 5p.m. Our school was embellished beautifully to welcome all the guests.
Mr. George C. Kuriakose – CEO @ Forsyte Proptech and Director @ Triver Integrated Services was the chief guest of this auspicious day. The program was also enlightened by the presence of dignitaries – Rev. Fr. Siby Baby Vicar of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Mr. Alias P. Varghese school Chairman, Mr. Itty K Cherian President of JSO society, Mr. George Vetath Trustee of St. Mary’s Cathedral amongst others.
The program started with a prayer by Rev. Fr. Siby Baby Vicar of St. Mary’s Cathedral. It was followed by the welcome address by Headmistress Mrs Vanitha Jacob Deepak. Introduction of the chief guest was done by the senior co-ordinator Mrs. Urmila Bali. The annual school report was read by school Principal Mrs. Asha Sunil followed by the prize distribution wherein all the meritorious students received prizes from the distinguished guests. After the prize distribution, the staff members who had completed 15yrs and 25yrs were felicitated for their dedicated and relentless service.
The chief guest then addressed the gathering and delivered a very motivating speech. Later ‘After school program’ was launched by the chief guest. This was followed by vote of thanks by Mrs. Prema Elizabeth junior school co-ordinator followed by the school anthem.
The prize distribution ceremony was followed by various exhilarating and scintillating cultural programs performed by the students from different sections of our school which included an invocation dance by Trupti G Nayak, welcome dance by pre-primary students, choreography by primary school students, Mime by middle school students and Gujarathi folk dance by high school students. All these programs showcased the talents of the students.
The program concluded with the National Anthem.

Mr. C.K Thomas Memorial Cash Award
Best student of High School

Mr. T A Varghese Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship for a deserving student in Primary School – STD II

Master Sunil Abraham Memorial Award
Best student of STD III

Hanna Mol Rolling Trophy
Best Student Of Class VII

Mrs. Zorine Gomez Award
Award for Best Student of Grade IV

Saro Mohan Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship for a deserving student in High School.

St. Mary’s Scholarship
LIKITH.N (Grade -X )
Scholarship for a deseving student in High School.