The public speaking in Hindi language and Kannada language for classes V-X was held on 1st September, 2023 in the St. Mary’s Public school main campus. Students were given topics a month prior to the competition. The semi finals were conducted a week before and the finalists were chosen for the competition. The judges were from the respective fields and subject experts. Each child was given a topic to choose and prepare with sufficient time. The students spoke utterly well and the spectators were spellbound looking at the caliber of the young talents. The program proceeded with each student showcasing their talents in both the languages.
The English Public Speaking was held on the 4th of September, 2023 in St. Mary’s Public school main campus. It comprised of selected students from class V to X. There were three judges including English teacher from middle school and High school and one of our high school Geography teacher. Each individual was given chance to present their ideas and opinions on given topics. Each child enhanced the topics with their oral dexterity. The middle school students were given chance to speak according to the order on their chosen topics followed by the high school students of class IX and X. The public speaking for the high school students was in the form of debate competition. Class IX and X were given two different topics for debate. Each class had participants for and against the topic. They were also given chance for rebuttal and they definitely excelled. It was a tough confrontation between the participants.