World Environment Day (Junior School)

2021 – 22 Photo Gallery


Let`s praise God the Almighty , the Creator of this Universe who has blessed human beings to enjoy the beauty of nature and also to protect it from getting polluted.

“World Environment Day” is observed on June 5th every year. The purpose of celebrating this day is to spread awareness about the threat to the environment due to rising pollution levels and drastic climatic changes. The theme for this year is “ Ecosystem Restoration , We are glad to have virtually observed this day.

Students from Pre – Primary to class IV were given an opportunity to take part in an activity assigned to them using the materials that are easily available at home like growing a plant in an egg shell , making a pot out of a coconut shell , wall hangings , greeting cards using leaves , colourful flower basket , a crown with craft paper , collage making and a fun-filled , creative hand print art for tiny tots. The students expressed their joy of doing the activity to protect and conserve our Mother Earth

Thus , let us make it a responsibility of every human being to protect and save the environment and encourage the people to grow more trees to make our planet a happier place, so that the future generation may enjoy the gift of nature and live a healthy and beautiful life.

‘’ A Safe and Healthy Environment is our Strength .”