The board which governs ISC (Indian School Certificate) and CISCE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) is CISCE (Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination) which has its Head Office in New Delhi.
The school uses continuous and comprehensive evaluation techniques to assess the students.
Class 1 to IX: Three monthly tests and two terminal examinations are conducted for all subjects during the academic year.
Class X: Two tests, first mid-term and two model examinations are conducted to prepare to face ICSE Board examinations.
The school, administered along the lines of Junior, (LKG-UKG), Primary (I-IV), Middle (V-VII) and Senior School (VIII-X), works through three school terms, each ending with tests & examinations. Students of Class X appear for the ICSE by the beginning of March. Subjects taught at the ICSE level include Compulsory Subjects-English, an Indian language Hindi/Kannada, History, Civics and Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and a choice between Computer Applications and Economic Applications.
Stress is also laid on SUPW (Socially useful Productive Work and community Service).Life skills, Music, Yoga, Art & Craft and Physical Education are part of the curriculum. It is mandatory for all the students by the council to take up English.