The school is committed to ensuring a high standard of health, safety and welfare for all staff, pupils and visitors, by ensuring the following:
- A healthy and safe environment throughout the school
- Safe working practices for staff and pupils
- Access to health and safety training
- Procedures for emergencies such as fire and first aid
- Monitoring of health and safety standards in the school
- Encouragement for staff to participate in the promotion of health and safety standards in the school
- Ensure that routine maintenance checks and inspections required by legislation of fixed service equipment are done.
- Ensure that injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences are reported to the enforcing authority and to monitor incidents to identify methods of reducing accidents
- To ensure the necessary records are maintained relating to accidents associated with the work of the school
- Ensure that health and safety is considered as an integral part of teaching in the school and activities carried out accordingly
- Ensure that premises safety inspections are carried out at specified intervals e.g. Termly, recorded and that necessary remedial action is carried out
- Ensure that health and safety is taken into account when considering any proposed or impending changes e.g. building works, room allocation or usage, etc
Ensure adequate numbers of staff are provided with appropriate training so that they may support the following management arrangements:
- First aid.
- Fire and emergency evacuation.
- Risk assessments, including fire, display screen equipment, manual handling, substances and general risk assessments.
- Prepare for a health and safety audit once in a year
- A high standard of housekeeping is maintained
- Records are maintained to show that portable electrical equipment, etc. are maintained and tested as required