Mr. Sunil Jacob
St. Mary’s Public School
Growth, Enlightenment, and Freedom, our motto is what motivates us on this journey of ‘Inspiring Excellence’. The journey of four decades, has been exciting. We appreciate and thank the teachers, management, and well-wishers who tirelessly worked to help our students take advantage of the opportunities the world offers.
As we prepare the current generation of students, it is imperative that we are striving to keep abreast of the changes happening around us. We recognize the importance of this and are continuously exploring ways of how we could educate our children, so that they are not only able to stand on their own feet, creating opportunities for themselves, but also being good citizens and good human beings, contributing to the entire humanity. To support this ever-evolving journey, we are committed to continue exploring innovative methods of teaching and learning, investing in the school faculty, using technology, and providing opportunities to our students and faculty to participate in extracurricular activities.
Our aim is to help our students to develop holistically, provide opportunities that enable them to develop clarity about what they want to achieve, and develop a strong belief in their ability to make it happen. As Marians, we take up this challenge, learn from our experiences, and be on a journey of excellence.
Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam said “Dream, Dream, Dream. Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action”. We want every Marian, to dream and be able to achieve and live their dreams.